Signature Career Readiness Events
Who do we serve?

Corporate Brands
The world's most recognized brands are among UPstart sponsors. Sponsors benefit from the unparalleled opportunity to speak directly to future recruits, telling their story in the most authentic way possible – directly from their leadership. Many of our events are hosted by our sponsors. Companies are introduced to real diverse candidates from unique backgrounds. Students feel privileged to be invited into real life workspaces and are exceptionally inspired as they step into corporate venues, for most, it's their next stop after graduation.
Colleges & Universities
Colleges and Universities host UPstart events to exponentially increase their students' chances for early workplace success. Our events give students the opportunity to hear career storytelling from a wide-range of diverse leaders from the world's most notable brands. Students leave inspired to craft personal career maps for success; many have found mentors and secured jobs at our events. Schools build valuable relationships by connecting with top companies for guest speakers, internships, apprenticeships and job fairs.

Government & Nonprofits
UPstart events are sponsored by local and state government entities to provide valuable career support to many underrepresented groups that do not have access to corporate leaders. Storytelling by industry leaders and experts, gives participants insight on power skills– time management, communication, networking, job search techniques as well as familiar and unfamiliar career options. Speakers are enthusiastic to tell their personal stories, give actionable advice, and help students discover new career opportunities.
We have worked with over 65 colleges and universities and 38 brands and counting.
Our speakers.
Our speakers work at the world's leading brands and universities—including Accenture, TikTok, JPMorgan Chase, NASA, Netflix, Meta, Estée Lauder, BlackRock, Google, and many more.They are diverse, accomplished leaders and experts who are passionate about helping college students and new graduates find early success. By sharing their stories, they reveal unexpected career opportunities and paths.